Welcome at the United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC)

Crossing boundaries, where things become exciting

The United Neuroscience Campus (UNC) is a virtual campus beyond the Lund (Sweden) and Rostock (Germany) locations on key neuroscience topics. The UNC is a scientific platform to come together, to exchange expertise and ideas and to develop new treatments and preventions in neurodegenerative diseases.

Medical Winter School 2025 in Rostock

From macroscopy to histology: organization of the central nervous system

March 22 to 30, 2025, Rostock (Germany)

The one-week program is an exceptional opportunity for medical students to grasp the fascinating structure of the human brain, meet experts in this field, and discuss future visions with them. A topic of great importance!

At the heart of the MedWin is the dissection of human brains and the assessment of its histological structure. A key focus is modeling and precisely simulating the neuronal effects of electrical implants that are already clinically applied to patients with Parkinson's disease. The event week is rounded off with a visit to the German Reichstag in our capital city, Berlin, as well as an unforgettable night on the Rostock boat hotel "Likedeeler".

We would love to invite five medical students from Lund University to this unique opportunity. 
Thanks to funding from the U.S. Embassy in Germany, we are able to offer MedWin 2025 tuition free. Accommodation is included.

For the nominations, please send student names, e-mails, gender and the school year: medwin{bei}uni-rostock.de

Programme and more information.

MultiPark Retreat 2024 in Lund

October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden

On behalf of the 2024 MultiPark Retreat Organizing Committee, the UNC Rostock team is invited to join the this year’s event, taking place on October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden. It will be two days full of science discussions, fun events, and lots of interaction! We aim to integrate clinical and experimental science, where everyone will learn from each other.

MultiPark is offering a 3-night hotel stay for up to six participants from Rostock, inclusive of meals during the retreat. 

Programme & Registration

2. Rostock Summer School of Neurodegenerative Diseases

17 & 18 September 2024, Rostock (Germany)

The connection between basic science and clinical translation is a central theme of this Summer School. The programme consists of an exchange between internationally recognised scientists from Lund/Sweden and Germany as well as advanced training for clinician and medical scientists.

17 September 2024: Aula Universität Rostock, Universitätsplatz 1
09:00 - 16:00: International Schilling-Symposium: Modern Concepts of Neurodegenerative Diseases

8 September 2024: Hörsaal ZN, Campus Gehlsdorf, Gehlsheimer Str. 20
08:45 - 16:00: Clinician Scientist Day: Anatomy, Pathophysiology, Classification & Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Programme and more information.

UNC welcomes new coordinator

The UNC Board welcomes our new UNC coordinator Elisabeth Jirström Hiersemann at the UNC Office Lund side. She is a research coordinator of the Swedish Parkinson Academy at the Skåne University Hospital. Elisabeth has her background as civil engineer and has done her PhD in Neuroscience at Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin. We look forward to working together.

1st UNC Members' Meeting

The UNC members will meet online on 21 February 2024. The UNC Board will present the activities of the UNC in 2023 and the next measures for the coming year.

Participation only by invitation.

Neuroscience retreat in Lund

November 2023

The Strategic Research Area "Multidisciplinary research focused on Parkinson's disease" (MultiPark) at the Lund University organised a two days retreat in Lund, Sweden, from November 28-29th 2023. MultiPark invited members of the CTNR as a partner of the United Neuroscience Campus (UNC) to participate in the retreat. The retreat targeted both senior and junior scientists and included scientific presentations, poster exhibitions and time for interaction. Postdocs and PhD students from both Lund and Rostock presented poster of their projects in a short oral presentation during data blitz-sessions.

Minister Bettina Martin visiting our Neuroscience Campus

July 2023

Bettina Martin, Minister of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs of the Federal State Government of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, visited the University Medical Centre on her Summer Tour. She wanted to find out more about our United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC). Dr. Kevin Peikert, UNC Board member and Virginia Bolowski, UNC coordinator presented her the virtual campus between MutliPark (Lund) and the CTNR (Rostock).

First funded study visit in Lund

June 2023

In June, Kathleen Weinreben, Physiotherapist from the University Medicine Rostock (Neurology) stayed in Lund for a four-day study to exchange knowledge about assessments and treatments of patients with Parkinson disease. 

She was hosted by UNC member Maria Nilsson (Associate Professor in Physiotherapy, Lund University, combined position with Skåne University Hospital). Maria presented the Swedish National guidelines for physiotherapy in Parkinson’s disease, the PD guidelines by the National Board of Health and Welfare and her research.

The stay was funded by the UNC (Rostock site). A big thank you to Maria and Stina for the invitation and organisation on Lund-site.

More information.

Clinical Artificial Intelligence-based Diagnostics (CAIDX)

May 2023

Digitalisation is increasing rapidly across all sectors including healthcare. This can result in positive effects by increasing the healthcare sector's reactivity and resilience (increasing speed and accuracy of diagnostics, optimising resources). AI and data driven diagnostics tools are being intensively developed for applications in the healthcare sector, but the uptake is difficult for several reasons.

Under the lead of the Aalborg University Hospital (DK) and with the partners (i.a. Rostock, Region Skane), CAIDX aims to create the conditions to facilitate the uptake of AI and data driven diagnostics tools for healthcare (and hospitals in particular) by focusing on co-development, contracting, acquisition and capacity building. By developing standard procedures for development, testing and implementation of such AI applications, our solutions will improve and accompany the cultural change necessary to unfold the potential of AI in the healthcare sector.

Programme: Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027

Implementation period: January 2023 – December 2025


Finding each other - Lund & Rostock Winter School 2023

January 2023

The United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock initiated the first common Winter School on 25 - 27 January, 2023.

Neuroscienctists from Rostock (Germany) and Lund (Sweden) met in January for the first joint winter school in Rostock and Gremmelin. The United Neuroscience Campus Lund - Rostock (UNC) of the Rostock University Medical Center and the Medical Faculty of Lund organised the joint platform for networking and getting to know each other.

During a two-day course at the Institute of Anatomy, participants prepared human brains and get insights into 3D anatomy. Afterwards, 60 experienced and young scientists from the University Medical Centre Rostock, the Centre for Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Rostock (CTNR), the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE Rostock/Greifswald) and the Research Area for Parkinson's from Lund (MultiPark) exchanged views on the current state of neuroscience.

In addition, 24 participants presented their current projects with posters. The scientists Anna Bartalis from the Section for Translational Neurodegeneration "Albrecht Kossel" in Rostock and Jessica Santiago from the Medical Faculty in Lund each received a grant of €500 for the best posters.

Finally, the coordinators of the United Neuroscience Campus Lund-Rostock Prof. Alexander Storch (Rostock) and Prof. Per Odin (Lund) signed the UNC bylaws to strengthen future networking between the two neuroscience communities in Rostock and Lund. Joint events such as this Winter School, scientific projects for the development of innovative therapy concepts for neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, as well as exchange programmes for further education and training are the goals of this cooperation.

Picture Gallery

Lund and Rostock establish the Neuroscience Campus

Signing of a “Memorandum of Understanding” between Lund University and University Medical Center Rostock

1st Virtual Neuroscience Workshop Lund – Rostock

62 participants took part online with lectures from Rostock and Lund

Upcoming Events

October 24th – 25th at Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden


From macroscopy to histology: organization of the central nervous system

